The African American Irish Diaspora
Ireland is committed to embracing its broader Diaspora and making all who are part of it by blood, as well as by spirit, feel welcome as members of the Irish family. It has been estimated that approximately 38% of African Americans have some Irish ancestry. It is our mission to help those with that heritage, along with any who might have an affinity for Ireland in any way, to connect with the culture, the people and the land of Ireland and Northern Ireland, and to connect with each other.
“Beyoncé, Shaquille O’Neal, Muhammad Ali, Barack Obama, Billie Holiday, Colin Powell and Alicia Keys share a common Irish heritage. In fact, you may be surprised to know that 38 percent of African Americans have an Irish heritage.”—The St. Louis American
The aim of African American Irish Diaspora Network is to foster relationships between African Americans and Ireland through shared heritage and culture. It will create a framework for people to strengthen their identity and connection with the Irish Diaspora, engage with Irish culture, business and issues, communicate with one another, and provide opportunities for them to travel to the Island to experience its rich beauty and history.
Connecting the Diaspora
“Ireland is fortunate in having a diaspora of 70 million people around the world. Our relationship with this global community is something we should cherish and celebrate. Global Ireland: Ireland’s Global Footprint to 2025 – the Government’s plan to double our international presence - commits us to introducing a new diaspora policy in 2020. This new policy will guide Ireland’s engagement and relationship with our diaspora: our emigrants, our citizens abroad, those of Irish heritage and those who feel an affinity with Ireland around the world.” —Consulate General of Ireland\Atlanta